Natural Resource Program

The Tillamook High School Natural Resources CTE Program has a goal of producing students that have a wide understanding of how the environment works and the role that man plays in it. Students take classes in all areas of environmental studies including water ecosystems, forest ecosystems, manufacturing and harvesting, and careers in Natural Resources to name a few. We offer dual credit courses in partnership with TBCC and are part of the Statewide Program of Study in Natural Resources. Student have the opportunity to not only learn in the classroom, but to engage in field trips around the Tillamook Community in partnership with local community partners, and to enrich the learning of younger students in our lower grade levels.

The THS Future Natural Resources Leaders (FNRL) student leadership organization is another opportunity for involvement outside of the normal classroom specifically targeted at developing skills needed to be successful in future careers of any type. FNRL has regular meetings both during lunch and after school for students to participate in. FNRL also represents THS at Career Development events hosted by other member schools where students can demonstrate the skills they have learned and are working on in a variety of physical and non-physical events. For more information on this program you can contact Lori Loeffler, CTE Teacher/FNRL Advisor for THS at ext. 2140 or via email

Agricultural Sciences & Industrial Technology Program

The Tillamook High School Agricultural Sciences & Industrial Technology Program - serves over 600 students each year, grades 7-12. Our program encompasses over 20 different courses based on community and student interest. We focus on offering a broad curriculum consisting of courses in agricultural science, horticulture/plant science, animal science, equine science, veterinary technology, welding, fabrication, robotics, construction, and agricultural mechanics. Our program's mission is to meet the needs of our students by providing learning opportunities and experiences to help students gain knowledge and skills related to the different pathways of agriculture. In all courses, students are cognitively challenged with material through direct instruction and hands-on application. Many of our courses allow students to earn science credit as well. Through our course work, students can earn up to 22 college credits through Tillamook Bay Community College. Our program offers the chance for students to be part of work-based learning through projects, job shadows, and Supervised Agricultural Experience projects. In addition, all students in an agricultural course are considered FFA members, as we are an affiliate chapter. Students can take advantage of different FFA events, Career Development Events, and awards. FFA gives students opportunities to grow through leadership, and can become proficient in public speaking and career-related skills. For more information about this program, contact Brooklyn Bush, Agricultural Science Teacher/FFA Advisor for Tillamook High School at ext. 2085 or via email